Friday, March 18, 2016

Setting Gmail as Default Email Application

If you're using a Chromebook, you know that Gmail is automatically setup as the default email application. This means that when a teacher clicks on an email address within a web page (for example, a parent's email address within the Infinite Campus Gradebook) a blank email is automatically created.

However, if you are using a Windows PC or a Mac, this is not always the case. When you click on an email address on a web page, a PC or a Mac may try to open up Outlook, Mail, or whatever other email application is installed. This can be a real pain! Fortunately, there is a fairly easy solution, but it only works if you are using Google Chrome.

Here's how to set Gmail as the default email application within Chrome on a Windows PC or Mac:

  1. Open Google Chrome and go to your Gmail
  2. In the browser address bar, there should be a small "double-diamond" icon. Click on the icon
  3. In the window that appears, click "Allow" and click "Done"
  4. Now, when you click on a parents' email address in the Infinite Campus Gradebook (or any other web page), it should open a new Gmail message. You MAY prefer to open the new message in a new browser tab. To do that, RIGHT-CLICK on the email address and choose "Open link in new tab"


  1. This will make things so much easier! Great tip. Thanks.

  2. You're very welcome! Glad it was helpful
