Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Read&Write, Basic Reading Tools

Using Read&Write within a Google Doc

  1. Open or create a Google Doc
  2. Click the Read&Write "purple puzzle piece" icon just above the document to enable the Read&Write toolbar
  3. Place your cursor in the document and click the Text to Speech controls to have Read&Write read the text out loud
  4. Select (highlight) a word in the document and click the Dictionary or Picture Dictionary tools to lookup the word
  5. Click the "Screen Mask" tool to enable the screen mask. Click the tool button again to disable the screen mask

Using Read&Write when Viewing a web page

  1. Open a website using Google Chrome
  2. Click the Read&Write "purple puzzle piece" icon at the top of Google Chrome
  3. Select (highlight) some text in the web page and click the Text to Speech controls to have Read&Write read the text out loud
  4. Select (highlight) a word in the web page and click the Dictionary or Picture Dictionary tools to lookup the word
  5. Click the "Screen Mask" tool to enable the screen mask. Click the tool button again to disable the screen mask
  6. Click the "Simplify Page" tool to view a simplified version of the web page